Amedeus Malisa

Amedeus Malisa

Economic consultant

The World Bank


Welcome! I work as an economic consultant at the World Bank. I received my PhD from Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) at Jönköping University. My research areas are Public and Development economics. I am currently engaged in research aiming to strengthen tax institutions and mobilise revenues fairly and efficiently in low-income countries.

Download my CV.

  • Public Economics
  • Development Economics
  • PhD in Economics, 2022

    Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)

  • MSc in Economics, 2016

    Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)

  • BA in Economics, 2011

    University of Dar es Salaam


Working Papers

Work in Progress

Gender, Informality and the Presumptive Taxation in Tanzania
Labour market transitions of Female Youth in sub-Saharan Africa: Role of Early Marriage and Childbirth
Socioeconomic Status and Male Fertility
